Friday, June 12, 2009

Angels and Demons Movie

Okay... I don't even know where to start here... I think the movie was garbage. There was just too much changed from the book. How the heck to you change who dies??? like come on. All of the perferati dies in the book. Well in the movie the last guy lives and becomes pope... HELLO MAJOR DIFFERENCE... BIG NO NO... another thing that really angered me was this stare down of the camerlengo... apparently now all of the roman catholic bishops can send brain waves and thoughts into other peoples heads?!? it would explain a lot but that's a touchy subject and I don't really wan to go there. And what is this about the 5th sign being changed... hello... took out probably the most coolest thing ever to be seen in the history of the world. Anyone can make a sign of the church??? But who can use all 4 elements and put them into one??? It's so far fetched and lame because these brands are hundreds of years old. I'm sure the symbol of the Vatican coat of arms has changed since then. And what about these legs? Not a single peep or anything. And Kohler??? Hello it's called the reason you have a bomb in Vatican city??? You can't change so much of this movie and still have the same effect one people. This whole movie was all hype and no product. It was empty entertainment and was a cheap way to make the movie. You changed way way to much. Other then these things though I thought it was a good movie.

Pope on facebook

I just have a few things to say about the pope in the blog:
1. He is my hero because he is probably the oldest man on facebook

2. I think it is a great way to reach your teens because the church is struggling to keep its numbers

and 3. It is the most bizarre thing I have heard a pope do. Yes it's nice but like come on... there is a better way to get a younger audience without lowering yourself and making your own application. Pope = needs reality check... now he'll be a laughing stock lol lol lol lol {for those who don't know lol = laugh out loud :)}

What Went Wrong?

I personally have not seen the entire move... so what I saw in class of it, I would have to say it is one of the most boring starts of all the movies I have ever seen. The reason it got all these bad reviews is because it probably wasn't that really good of a movie. The reason it still made millions of dollars at the box office is because of hype. IF the church hadn't made such a big deal about it, probably half the amount of people would have gone and a quarter would have had second thoughts. Everyone wanted to see it because it was on the news. same with the Dark Knight. As soon as it made some level of millions in the box office it started to make more money per day. It's the same things as sequel movies as well. The producers know everyone is still going to pay to see it so they don't have to make it as good as the first. they just have to make it acceptable or passable to maintain the audience. I know it's there job and you are suppose to make money at your job but like come on. Put some effort into the movie or get someone who will to do it.

Movies, Money, and God

I think that this whole controversy is dumb. Movies are movies and they make money. If the church got a percentage of the profit they wouldn't care what the movie was even about. There are so many corrupt people. I'm not saying everyone in the church is corrupt but especially now since we are in an economic depression that there would be a higher probability that they would take a percentage. The really weird thing though is all of the religious people going to see all of these "bad" movies. I think it is just a way to escape. People want to get out of the ordinary routine and this is a perfect and inexpensive way to do so. I know that I personally like many movies that would never ever be allowed by the church if they had there own way. I think that they are just fantasies that help the mind experience a variety of things to make life less boring.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Al Gore recap

I think that Al Gore is right about something. Yes we suck at preserving the world and yes we do need to change. But if your going to say all of these things you need a reasonable way and convenient way for people to do so. I agree with him though. I think that the world is going to be an awful place in a few decades or even sooner. I think that we as a global community need to shape up our act and get it together. The main contributor is the emission of greenhouse gases and mainly that of CO2. This comes from almost all of the factories that we work in. There needs to be a better way. The worst thing about this is that the people who are creating the problem are not effected as much as the people who do very little. All of the developed countries contribute to well over majority of all the emission. Yet the developing countries are suffering the most. There will come a time where we will start to be affected and then I believe that we will regret it. It is a major concern of the world and I congratulate Al Gore on speaking this story and continuing it even with the ridicule.

Angels and Demons Drama

I think that this is all over reacting... yes there are somethings that go a little over board with Hollywood effects but that is because this is a movie... about a book, that has a made up plot line. There is absolutely no proof of this ever happening or that it is going to happen. Religion needs to calm down and sciences needs to know when to keep their mouth shut. It is a movie. Deal with it and move on. You don't see every person who has a bad dream being talked about or criticized. As for the scientific community, ya sure it probably makes you look like awesome people but it is fake. Maybe one day it will be possible but right now it is not. Don't brag about things you are doing or could be doing in the next some odd years. All in all i think this is like little children fighting over who goes down the slide first. No matter who does they are both going to go down, both have the same experience, and both end up in the same spot after wards.

Top five issues of the world

I'll make this short and sweet... if you want any details leave a comment.
1. Poverty or economics
2. Climate change
3. Industrialization
4. Technology
5. Consumption of natural resources

Monday, June 8, 2009

Education Remake

Since this is my project I will not go into to much detail here but the main thing that I would change about education is the way it is taught. We are all about conserving the earth. Don't cut down trees because it'll ruin ecosystems and destroy life. If this is such a big deal, why are we cutting down trees to make worthless textbooks that we rarely use or don't even use when we are suppose to. All the information we need is on the internet now a days. I think it is time for change and we should embrace it. Change is good and it is time we change from textbooks to electronics.

American Teen Article

I kinda of agree with that statement but not entirely. Sure, towns that have one-school are pressure cookers. That also doesn't mean that if you have two different schools or even more then two schools, you don't have pressure cookers. I do think though that it does help a little. Usually if there is two schools in a town, one will have a really good reputation and the other will be completely different. Not necessarily a bad rep but not the same. For example, one could be more of an academic school and the other a tech school, or one could be a science and technology school and the other could be more geared towards the sports. It all depends on the school and the people in the school. I think that if you have a wide variety of personalities, you are more likely to hear things. Though if there is more then one school, you'll still hear about it you'll just hear about it a little later or in less detail.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Teen

I didn't get a chance to watch all of the movie but what I did watch of it I really liked. It seemed like there was a good diversity of different kinds of people in the different clicks. I think that every character deserved sympathy except the drama queen princess of the school, Megan. She is the weirdest and most self-absorbed person in the world. All she cared about is what was happening to her then and now. She didn't think much about the future, except that she had to get into Notre Dame or her father would be furious and possible kick her out of the house and maybe even never talk to her again. Hannah just had a string of bad luck. Every time she got to the top of the world, life was going great, BAM!!! Something happened or someone said or did something to take it all away. It was the hardest to watch her but I don't think she was the worse off. Another one is Colin. Colin had to learn that everyone makes a good team and not just him. His story probably ended the best because he ended up getting the scholarship and playing college ball for a really good team. The person who i felt bad for the most would have to be Geoff. He tried really hard to fit in and everything and people just either ignored him, used him, or flat out just rejected him. If I felt sympathy for anyone the most it would have to be him.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally thoughts on Angels and Demons

I thought that Angels and Demons had on the best twists with the weirdest ending that I have ever read. It wasn't really a shock to see that Kohler was Janus. I assumed that he had something to do with this whole plot and everything and since that that position was the only spot left and he fit the part of Janus as well, it seemed like a good fit. The really surprising part was when we were told that Kohler was an innocent man and had come to reason with the true planner of the Illuminati attack on the church, Janus him-self, the Camerlengo. It changed the entire story and the explanation behind it was even more facinating. Since the Pope can not have an official autopsy, we find that the camerlengo was able to poison the Pope and not get caught for it. Since the camerlengo was the right-hand man of the Pope, he knows what all is going on just the same as the Pope. This means he knew that CERN was experimenting with the moment of creation and that they had created anti-matter that had a huge explosive range. He then used his sources to hire the Hassassin to break in and steal the anti-matter. The camerlengo then placed the anti-matter and the plan unfolded.

The real twist is why the camerlengo did all of this in the first place. The camerlengo had thought that the Pope had violated his promise to God in that he had a child. This was true, but the problem was the camerlengo did not know the whole story. The Pope had met with this nun. The nun then had an artificial insemenation to impregnate her with the Pope's child. This being said, the Pope had kept his vow and the camerlengo had killed him for nothing. If I was the camerlengo, I would feel like total crap right now. If I had assumed something about a man, murdered him, and found out that I had killed him for something he didn't do, I would go insane!! I would definately be worried of being charged for life especially since it would be murdering the Pope!! Every roman catholic and even some that weren't roman catholic would probably think I should be beheaded on the spot. The biggest stab in the heart of the camerlengo, in at which time I believe that he became insane, was when the Master of Ceremonies told him that he was the papal investigator for the election of the deseased Pope's conclave. He had told the camerlengo that the reason that the Pope had always trusted him and made him the camerlengo in the first place, was because that the camerlengo was the Pope's son. That would have done it for me right there. I wouldn't be able to live if I knew that I had purposely killed my father.

I thought that it was an overall well done book. I knew that it was very dry for the first few chapters but other then that and a few weird sections, I liked it very much. I learned that the Pope can be elected if every single cardinal chants his name three times in sucession. Even if he wasn't a cardinal or wasn't in the prefered group of cardinals, he could still be elected in. This is definately a must see and I give it 3 thumbs up!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Technology and School

I think that the use of technology at school is the best idea ever. It would be a great way to keep people in school and persuade them to not drop out. Technology is all around us. No matter what we say or do it's going to be there. I think that pretending it doesn't exist is the stupidest thing that someone can do. They might as well be saying I don't care what you do go ahead and cheat as long as it sounds nice I'll accept it. I also think that saying technology is bad and will lower kids grade averages and make them unsucessful in the real world is totally wrong as well. The real world is all technology now. evrything is run by computers which will evebtually be run by robots. This means that many of the jobs and skills that the anti-technology tyrants are trying to enforce will be worthless. I think that technology should be allowed in school. Many kids work better on computers then with pencil and paper. It would raise kids grades and still prepare them for the real world. It is a fact that teenagers are glued to any technological devices they can get their hands on. Even when you say no laptops, cell phones, or ban websites like facebook and sparknotes, kids find ways around them or are able to sneak them in and use them without being seen. I think that technology should be allowed in the school system because eventually the kids will win like them always do (ie. cell phone jamming incident out West). It's only a matter of time before all of this technology is allowed and then recommended to have.

826 Valencia

I think that this could actually have the possibility of working in a small town. The problem with it working in Ingersoll is that there is already the Fusion Youth Centre and they offer as much help as they can. I think that it would become almost like a competition between the two if this type of tutoring building was built. As for the superhero and pirate store I think that it would definately attract some people just because they would want to see what it sells and why it is even there. The reason that I think that the superfero and pirate ideas worked was because it would attract kids because it is things kids like. Other good ideas could be a candy store or a video game store. The pirate and superhero store add to the tutoring centre a lot. I think that without them the helping centre would not work as well as it did at Valencia. Overall though, I don't think it would work in Ingersoll because we already have a facility that attempts to help people and because people would feel ashamed to go. They would feel like if they went they are admitting that they are inferior to everyone else. It would get labelled as an extra help centre for people who struggle with school. It would be for "dumb people". Even though it helps to publish literature works the main focus is to help students with their school work and that's what it wou;d get labelled as.

Are Teens Lazy and Unprepared

Are teens lazy and unprepared? I would say yes majority are. Over the past few years I would say that many teens are becoming more and more lazy. I can see it even in my life as i start saying "oh i'll just do it later some other time" even when I know that later on its not going to happen. There is always something else I have to do. I agree that majotiry of teens are lazy and unprepared but i think that it is not entirely our fault. Teachers are not adapting to the world today. Theyare expecting the same thing as when they went through school. This does not work thought. There was no facebook, no text messaging, not MSN messenger. Technology has changed so much and I think that is a big problem here. Teens are always using the technology to find the information they need for projects, ISP's or even daily homework. The reason that the flow between high school and post-secondary is so hard is partly because of that. High schools limit the amount of technology you can use for school work were as universities do not. The main problem though is that there is no connection between high school and university other then it is the next step. A lot of professors tell their students at the beginning of the year to forget whatever they were taught. Well then what was the point of teaching it in the first place???? You might as well go straight to university after grade school. It seems like you would know just as much and there wouldn't be a big disadvantage. If universities think that their under-graduates are so unprepared then why not look into finding a way to make them more prepared. Make programs between highschool and university or just have better communication so that the high schools can teach us things that will be of some use after we graduate. I think that some teens are lazy, but that is not the big difference. The big difference and the nig problem is that there is limited communication of education between the professors at the universities and the teachers at the high schools.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Believng is seeing over seeing is believing

I think that you need to believe in something to see not the other way around. Over half of the world is of some religion with some God that has not been seen by man or anyone for that matter. This would mean that half the people in the world are just fantasising and throwing away their lives. This is a scary thought. The other thing is that with today's technology, we can create any picture we want. It could be of something massive and magnificent or just of something we commonly see everyday. Either way, we are not totally sure of its existence until we are standing in front of it or watching it. I think that if you believe in something very much, it works like a picture in our heads. Until we see the image of what ever it is we are "looking" at, we will never truly see the true awe striking power of it. Take the Taj Mahal for example.
It is a popular tourist destination but is not always ion the top of people's lists. You can look at as many pictures of it as you want, but you will never truly understand it. When you form a picture in your head, you are seeing it as you think it should be. It might not necessarily be exactly how it is in the real world but a lot of times it is one thousand times more magnificent. I think that when you see it is not believing anymore. It is knowledge or having a good memory. Believing is defined as:

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

As soon as you see the object you have absolute proof. This means that the only way to believe in something is to have no proof of the object, or thing. This is why I think that Believing is seeing and seeing can not be believing.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Science versus Religion

After reading the article i believe that it is actually possible to integrate science and religion. I am a person who has gone to church all of my life. Since I was born I have attended regularly, only missing for important reasons such as a family crisis or we were out of the country. With that being said, I also like the sciences at school. Especially the chemistry and the physics strands of the course. I believe that scientist like Leonardo Vetra was actually on to something. It is possible that science and religion can be combined. After we have read the book and watched different videos, we assume that there was a super-collision of a huge force in the universe. This would have caused the universe to expand, cool, and form as we know it today. We, as Christians, know that there has always been a force in the universe. We believe that to be God. Since the theory states that there was a rapid expansion and then it cooled down, this would explain the creation in 7 days. It would also lead us to say that at the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, the universe was very small and has been expanding ever since. This would mean that both the evolution theory and the creation theory is correct. Really though, it doesn't matter what started at the beginning. The say "Don't worry about the past, look to the future" is a good quote here. The more we dwell on learning about the past the less time we have on advancing the future and making a better tomorrow. If we do end up finding out what did happen billions and billions of years ago, we find out. But that will be the end of it, after we figure that out there is no way to progress further. All in all, I think that it doesn't matter how the Earth began. If someone wants to believe in the creation theory or the evolution theory that is their choice. I believe that both could be right as well. It all depends on how much faith you have and how stubborn you are.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Earth Hour

Since it has already gone by I can say that i participated in Earth Hour. At my house was a interesting ordeal. We shut off all our electronics and lights and sat in the dark for the entire hour. It wasn't as bad as i expected seeing as it was an entire hour with my mom, sister, and her friend. When the time came to turn back on the lights we went right back to it and started watching a movie. I think that Earth Hour is a good idea but it lacks a lot of commitment and it doesn't really affect anything during that hour. So people shut off there for one hour... big deal they turn them back on and continue like normal. As for the commitment, it was very poorly done. Ontario had only a 6% power save with Toronto having a 16% power save. That is barely anything considering that we use so much energy everyday all the time. Why not make it Earth Day or Earth Week? Now that would be a challenge that I think most people couldn't do.

Pope in Africa on HIV

The first thing have to say is that the Pope, even though he is one of the most powerful men in the world, let alone in the religious world, needs to still explain himself. Yes I agree that the Pope was not wise in saying that condoms increase the problem of being infected with HIV. This I think is a common known fact that it does help prevent it. It reduces the transmission by over 60% which is a fairly good statistic but not a very good one. I think that if the Pope could have a "re-do" he would exclude that from his speech. The debating problem where I agree with the Pope is that condoms are not the answer. Even with thousands and thousands of condoms people will still get infected. Just look at Canada and the US. Even though there are so many condoms available to the public, HIV is still spread and is usually uncontrolled. This is because people do not want to talk the time to slip one on or are afraid that it will not be the same. Even though that it will protect them against deadly diseases they insist on being stupid and not taking precautions. The point I believe the Pope was trying to get across was that the only solution to the problem is abstinence. This would be the ideal situation if it were practical and wouldn't result in a mass genocide. Without the birth of children, the population of the African countries would die out eventually. Then some power-hungry country like the US would invade and take over all of this land. Even though abstinence would be a way to solve the problem, it is not a likely case. Really, there is probably going to be no way to stop people from transmitting HIV. People will be stupid and people will not care and they will pay the price. All it takes is for one to not care or go crazy to start the pandemic all over again. Just like all of the school shooting that have been happening recently, innocent people are affected and they have no control over it. I believe that there is no solution and that HIV will be an everlasting problem and battle in Africa. It saddens me to say it but it is mostly likely the truth and there is nothing we can do about it.

TED talks

So after watching the video, even though I'm taking physics this year, I am still partially confused about all of the Big Bang theory and the particle physics that surrounds it. The main thing that really interested me was the size of the accelerator and the fact that everything is made up of hydrogen. It is really mind boggling that everything we touch, eat, and use is all made up of the same thing just re-arranged, fused, or decomposed. It really shows just how everything was planned out and there had to be someone behind it. Whether you think it God or just a coincedence I'll leave that up to you.

A+ for everyone

I think that this idea has potential but was the wrong approach to the problem. The problem with the school system right now is that we are giving marks based on what you know. Marks should be given on how well you know HOW to use the information instead of just knowing how to plug in numbers and use formulas or things like that. The best example is art, English, drama, and music. All of these subject are very focused on being creative. This means that to be creative you have to do something that no one else has done or thought of. How are teachers suppose to mark something like that? The other important thing is that each teacher has a different opinion on what is right and what is creative enough in the real world. So marks do not always reflect how well you have learned. The main issue with this problem though is that school puts way to much pressure on students. If students knew that they would be successful in school, ya sure there will be some of them that slack off and don't deserve the marks they are getting. But won't there always be people like that even if true grades were given? Also, if every student is given the opportunity to go to a university or a college, yes they might not deserve the grade they get there but at least they will have heard it. This means that some of them might remember things from school without actually doing any of the work. Not necessarily the hard complicated stuff but just the basics. This in turn means that there will always be at least someone who has an idea of what they are doing. On the other side, there will be people who still do the work because they want to or are forced too or just realize that the outside world judges you on what you know. They may feel like they are being treated unfairly or they are carrying other people and that others don't deserve to be there. What the big point there is that eventually the people who actually did the work will benefit. Most likely it will come when they have applied for a job just like the person who didn't do the work. When it comes down to showing what you got, the person who has done the work will most likely be rewarded by showing that they know more and will most likely get the job. Really my opinion is simple. I believe that the school system should have only two different grades. There should be a passing grade and a failing grade. This would be until the last year of high school. When you are in your grade 12 year, there should be three different grades. These are for telling you where you should go from here. There will be a university bound grade, a college bound grade, and a failing grade. This way, all students will be treated as equally as possible without being judged by a certain individual. Then through university/college you would go back to the two grades, passing or failing. Only and i say only in the final year of your last year at school should you be truly "marked" on how much you have learned or have the potential to learn. The potential to learn is very important to have as well as the knowledge already. Potential will help you tackle new, unforseen problems with the previous knowledge that you have learned/know. This way, businesses and companies will not make a mistake in hiring the better candidate for the job. It is a really simple process and would not be hard to enforce. This would also raise the self-esteem of students who study all day and get average marks. They will be with the smart people and it will look the same. It also benefits the smart person because they know that eventually all of their hard work will pay out. I think that this would be the best way to mark students because it lets them do what they want which what i think for most will be work as hard as they can.

Our Choice Blog

I don't want to give anything away but this blog is about Angels and Demons. So far it is one of the best books I have read in a long, long time. I've agreed with most of the class so far. To me Dan Brown is not that good of an author when it comes to his description of people and places. But when has someone ever become famous for something they were actually good at? You see all the movie stars now a days lip singing or getting their voices alter so it actually sounds good. Either that or like Hannah Montana where all they have is just a rich dad or mom that is in show business. If Miley (Hannah), wasn't the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, she would have absolutely no singing career. The only reason she does is because of him and his good career and the labels thought we better at least give her a chance. But back to Angels and Demons, the book is not tremendously action filled at the beginning of the book. It starts off with this man Robert Langdon, a symbolist from Harvard. He gets a call in the middle of the night saying that he needs to come right away. When he says he'll come in the morning, a fax comes and there is a picture of a man with the words "Illuminati" ambigram into him. Robert reluctantly leaves ASAP for Switzerland to take a look at this man. His flight on the X-33 (a special "space" plane that travels mach 13), is told to be interesting and gets him from the US to Switzerland in about an hour. He then visits the deceased mans lab and the story starts to unfold. This man was a scientist and a priest. He was using a particle accelerator to try and create a re-enactment of the Big Bang Theory. They were successful and in the process produced anti-matter which, to give an idea, 1kg is equal to 47 megatons of TNT. After the plot develops, we realize that the "Illuminati" have broken into the lab and have stolen the antimatter, and placed it somewhere in the Vatican City. They (Robert Langdon and daughter of deceased and fellow scientist Vittoria) have to get to Vatican and find the bomb in 24 hours before it blows up the Vatican and destroys the entire place. To make matters worse, the pope had just died and there is suppose to be the election or Conclave in which all the bishops of the world gather. It is a race against time that is full of twist, turns, and so many surprises. Ban Brown may not be a good descriptive writer but he sure knows how to make an action-packed novel and keep you hanging on the edge of your seat until the end of the book!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oak Island

I believe that Oak Island is either a hoax or people who were here a long time ago. If it is a hoax, it has been very well thought out and done with so much precision that it would have taken years upon years to create. The other thing is that the technology wouldn't have been great along enough to build something of this caliber at the time it was supposedly build and let alone found. Not to mention all of the layers or barriers that were constructed to prevent it from collapsing due to pressure and the flood tunnels that make it preventable and virtually impossible to proceed any further into the pit unless in scuba equipment. It is also a mystery about how the piece of paper with letters or symbols got on it as well as the gold chain. This proves that it was man made or at least at one point there was a living thing that had been in the money pit. If it is in fact a hoax, someone must be laughing really hard at all the people who have tried to find the "treasure" that lies in the money pit. The other option that i think it could be is some native culture that wasn't ever discovered. Something along the lines of a native tribe such as the Hurons or the Iroquois that died out or assimilated into another tribe before anyone had come to the New World. This would mean though that there is an ancient dynasty that was far more advanced then anything we have ever seen or live in today. It means that instead of progressing we were already ahead and have fallen back. The other thing would be that there would have to be some record of the tribe or artifacts that they used to build the money pit or just to live. Either one of these would change the world complete and would turn heads no matter what whether it be for good or bad.

Ken Robinson and creativity

I believe that Ken Robinson does make some valid points when it comes to creativity in school. The school system today is very focused on cramming you with as much hard, and raw facts as they can in the years you are in school. They teach you all of the different formulas but not how to apply them to other situations or real life situations. This meaning that when we get out into the real world or even into just spost-secondary education, we find ourselves struggling to find answers to problems we haven't seen before. The school system should focus more on how to figure out what the question is asking, rather then just give the answer. There needs to a class that doesn't matter if you get the right answer or not. The point of the class should be to figure out how to answetr the problem but not needing to give a specific number answer or word answer. All in all, Ken Robinson is absolutely and completely right. School today will not ultimately prepare you for the problems of tomorrow and how to approach them. The school system is in need for a big change of the curriculum or there are going to be big problems.

Blogging experience

I have not really blogged before. I have used blogger to get information while on vacation from a teacher but not in depth.