Thursday, June 11, 2009

Angels and Demons Drama

I think that this is all over reacting... yes there are somethings that go a little over board with Hollywood effects but that is because this is a movie... about a book, that has a made up plot line. There is absolutely no proof of this ever happening or that it is going to happen. Religion needs to calm down and sciences needs to know when to keep their mouth shut. It is a movie. Deal with it and move on. You don't see every person who has a bad dream being talked about or criticized. As for the scientific community, ya sure it probably makes you look like awesome people but it is fake. Maybe one day it will be possible but right now it is not. Don't brag about things you are doing or could be doing in the next some odd years. All in all i think this is like little children fighting over who goes down the slide first. No matter who does they are both going to go down, both have the same experience, and both end up in the same spot after wards.

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