Friday, June 12, 2009

Angels and Demons Movie

Okay... I don't even know where to start here... I think the movie was garbage. There was just too much changed from the book. How the heck to you change who dies??? like come on. All of the perferati dies in the book. Well in the movie the last guy lives and becomes pope... HELLO MAJOR DIFFERENCE... BIG NO NO... another thing that really angered me was this stare down of the camerlengo... apparently now all of the roman catholic bishops can send brain waves and thoughts into other peoples heads?!? it would explain a lot but that's a touchy subject and I don't really wan to go there. And what is this about the 5th sign being changed... hello... took out probably the most coolest thing ever to be seen in the history of the world. Anyone can make a sign of the church??? But who can use all 4 elements and put them into one??? It's so far fetched and lame because these brands are hundreds of years old. I'm sure the symbol of the Vatican coat of arms has changed since then. And what about these legs? Not a single peep or anything. And Kohler??? Hello it's called the reason you have a bomb in Vatican city??? You can't change so much of this movie and still have the same effect one people. This whole movie was all hype and no product. It was empty entertainment and was a cheap way to make the movie. You changed way way to much. Other then these things though I thought it was a good movie.

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