Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Science versus Religion

After reading the article i believe that it is actually possible to integrate science and religion. I am a person who has gone to church all of my life. Since I was born I have attended regularly, only missing for important reasons such as a family crisis or we were out of the country. With that being said, I also like the sciences at school. Especially the chemistry and the physics strands of the course. I believe that scientist like Leonardo Vetra was actually on to something. It is possible that science and religion can be combined. After we have read the book and watched different videos, we assume that there was a super-collision of a huge force in the universe. This would have caused the universe to expand, cool, and form as we know it today. We, as Christians, know that there has always been a force in the universe. We believe that to be God. Since the theory states that there was a rapid expansion and then it cooled down, this would explain the creation in 7 days. It would also lead us to say that at the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, the universe was very small and has been expanding ever since. This would mean that both the evolution theory and the creation theory is correct. Really though, it doesn't matter what started at the beginning. The say "Don't worry about the past, look to the future" is a good quote here. The more we dwell on learning about the past the less time we have on advancing the future and making a better tomorrow. If we do end up finding out what did happen billions and billions of years ago, we find out. But that will be the end of it, after we figure that out there is no way to progress further. All in all, I think that it doesn't matter how the Earth began. If someone wants to believe in the creation theory or the evolution theory that is their choice. I believe that both could be right as well. It all depends on how much faith you have and how stubborn you are.

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