Monday, March 30, 2009

Pope in Africa on HIV

The first thing have to say is that the Pope, even though he is one of the most powerful men in the world, let alone in the religious world, needs to still explain himself. Yes I agree that the Pope was not wise in saying that condoms increase the problem of being infected with HIV. This I think is a common known fact that it does help prevent it. It reduces the transmission by over 60% which is a fairly good statistic but not a very good one. I think that if the Pope could have a "re-do" he would exclude that from his speech. The debating problem where I agree with the Pope is that condoms are not the answer. Even with thousands and thousands of condoms people will still get infected. Just look at Canada and the US. Even though there are so many condoms available to the public, HIV is still spread and is usually uncontrolled. This is because people do not want to talk the time to slip one on or are afraid that it will not be the same. Even though that it will protect them against deadly diseases they insist on being stupid and not taking precautions. The point I believe the Pope was trying to get across was that the only solution to the problem is abstinence. This would be the ideal situation if it were practical and wouldn't result in a mass genocide. Without the birth of children, the population of the African countries would die out eventually. Then some power-hungry country like the US would invade and take over all of this land. Even though abstinence would be a way to solve the problem, it is not a likely case. Really, there is probably going to be no way to stop people from transmitting HIV. People will be stupid and people will not care and they will pay the price. All it takes is for one to not care or go crazy to start the pandemic all over again. Just like all of the school shooting that have been happening recently, innocent people are affected and they have no control over it. I believe that there is no solution and that HIV will be an everlasting problem and battle in Africa. It saddens me to say it but it is mostly likely the truth and there is nothing we can do about it.

1 comment:

  1. HIV infection rates in Canada are nothing like they are in Africa
