Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Choice Blog

I don't want to give anything away but this blog is about Angels and Demons. So far it is one of the best books I have read in a long, long time. I've agreed with most of the class so far. To me Dan Brown is not that good of an author when it comes to his description of people and places. But when has someone ever become famous for something they were actually good at? You see all the movie stars now a days lip singing or getting their voices alter so it actually sounds good. Either that or like Hannah Montana where all they have is just a rich dad or mom that is in show business. If Miley (Hannah), wasn't the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus, she would have absolutely no singing career. The only reason she does is because of him and his good career and the labels thought we better at least give her a chance. But back to Angels and Demons, the book is not tremendously action filled at the beginning of the book. It starts off with this man Robert Langdon, a symbolist from Harvard. He gets a call in the middle of the night saying that he needs to come right away. When he says he'll come in the morning, a fax comes and there is a picture of a man with the words "Illuminati" ambigram into him. Robert reluctantly leaves ASAP for Switzerland to take a look at this man. His flight on the X-33 (a special "space" plane that travels mach 13), is told to be interesting and gets him from the US to Switzerland in about an hour. He then visits the deceased mans lab and the story starts to unfold. This man was a scientist and a priest. He was using a particle accelerator to try and create a re-enactment of the Big Bang Theory. They were successful and in the process produced anti-matter which, to give an idea, 1kg is equal to 47 megatons of TNT. After the plot develops, we realize that the "Illuminati" have broken into the lab and have stolen the antimatter, and placed it somewhere in the Vatican City. They (Robert Langdon and daughter of deceased and fellow scientist Vittoria) have to get to Vatican and find the bomb in 24 hours before it blows up the Vatican and destroys the entire place. To make matters worse, the pope had just died and there is suppose to be the election or Conclave in which all the bishops of the world gather. It is a race against time that is full of twist, turns, and so many surprises. Ban Brown may not be a good descriptive writer but he sure knows how to make an action-packed novel and keep you hanging on the edge of your seat until the end of the book!!

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