Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Believng is seeing over seeing is believing

I think that you need to believe in something to see not the other way around. Over half of the world is of some religion with some God that has not been seen by man or anyone for that matter. This would mean that half the people in the world are just fantasising and throwing away their lives. This is a scary thought. The other thing is that with today's technology, we can create any picture we want. It could be of something massive and magnificent or just of something we commonly see everyday. Either way, we are not totally sure of its existence until we are standing in front of it or watching it. I think that if you believe in something very much, it works like a picture in our heads. Until we see the image of what ever it is we are "looking" at, we will never truly see the true awe striking power of it. Take the Taj Mahal for example.
It is a popular tourist destination but is not always ion the top of people's lists. You can look at as many pictures of it as you want, but you will never truly understand it. When you form a picture in your head, you are seeing it as you think it should be. It might not necessarily be exactly how it is in the real world but a lot of times it is one thousand times more magnificent. I think that when you see it is not believing anymore. It is knowledge or having a good memory. Believing is defined as:

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

As soon as you see the object you have absolute proof. This means that the only way to believe in something is to have no proof of the object, or thing. This is why I think that Believing is seeing and seeing can not be believing.

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