Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are Teens Lazy and Unprepared

Are teens lazy and unprepared? I would say yes majority are. Over the past few years I would say that many teens are becoming more and more lazy. I can see it even in my life as i start saying "oh i'll just do it later some other time" even when I know that later on its not going to happen. There is always something else I have to do. I agree that majotiry of teens are lazy and unprepared but i think that it is not entirely our fault. Teachers are not adapting to the world today. Theyare expecting the same thing as when they went through school. This does not work thought. There was no facebook, no text messaging, not MSN messenger. Technology has changed so much and I think that is a big problem here. Teens are always using the technology to find the information they need for projects, ISP's or even daily homework. The reason that the flow between high school and post-secondary is so hard is partly because of that. High schools limit the amount of technology you can use for school work were as universities do not. The main problem though is that there is no connection between high school and university other then it is the next step. A lot of professors tell their students at the beginning of the year to forget whatever they were taught. Well then what was the point of teaching it in the first place???? You might as well go straight to university after grade school. It seems like you would know just as much and there wouldn't be a big disadvantage. If universities think that their under-graduates are so unprepared then why not look into finding a way to make them more prepared. Make programs between highschool and university or just have better communication so that the high schools can teach us things that will be of some use after we graduate. I think that some teens are lazy, but that is not the big difference. The big difference and the nig problem is that there is limited communication of education between the professors at the universities and the teachers at the high schools.

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