Friday, June 12, 2009

Angels and Demons Movie

Okay... I don't even know where to start here... I think the movie was garbage. There was just too much changed from the book. How the heck to you change who dies??? like come on. All of the perferati dies in the book. Well in the movie the last guy lives and becomes pope... HELLO MAJOR DIFFERENCE... BIG NO NO... another thing that really angered me was this stare down of the camerlengo... apparently now all of the roman catholic bishops can send brain waves and thoughts into other peoples heads?!? it would explain a lot but that's a touchy subject and I don't really wan to go there. And what is this about the 5th sign being changed... hello... took out probably the most coolest thing ever to be seen in the history of the world. Anyone can make a sign of the church??? But who can use all 4 elements and put them into one??? It's so far fetched and lame because these brands are hundreds of years old. I'm sure the symbol of the Vatican coat of arms has changed since then. And what about these legs? Not a single peep or anything. And Kohler??? Hello it's called the reason you have a bomb in Vatican city??? You can't change so much of this movie and still have the same effect one people. This whole movie was all hype and no product. It was empty entertainment and was a cheap way to make the movie. You changed way way to much. Other then these things though I thought it was a good movie.

Pope on facebook

I just have a few things to say about the pope in the blog:
1. He is my hero because he is probably the oldest man on facebook

2. I think it is a great way to reach your teens because the church is struggling to keep its numbers

and 3. It is the most bizarre thing I have heard a pope do. Yes it's nice but like come on... there is a better way to get a younger audience without lowering yourself and making your own application. Pope = needs reality check... now he'll be a laughing stock lol lol lol lol {for those who don't know lol = laugh out loud :)}

What Went Wrong?

I personally have not seen the entire move... so what I saw in class of it, I would have to say it is one of the most boring starts of all the movies I have ever seen. The reason it got all these bad reviews is because it probably wasn't that really good of a movie. The reason it still made millions of dollars at the box office is because of hype. IF the church hadn't made such a big deal about it, probably half the amount of people would have gone and a quarter would have had second thoughts. Everyone wanted to see it because it was on the news. same with the Dark Knight. As soon as it made some level of millions in the box office it started to make more money per day. It's the same things as sequel movies as well. The producers know everyone is still going to pay to see it so they don't have to make it as good as the first. they just have to make it acceptable or passable to maintain the audience. I know it's there job and you are suppose to make money at your job but like come on. Put some effort into the movie or get someone who will to do it.

Movies, Money, and God

I think that this whole controversy is dumb. Movies are movies and they make money. If the church got a percentage of the profit they wouldn't care what the movie was even about. There are so many corrupt people. I'm not saying everyone in the church is corrupt but especially now since we are in an economic depression that there would be a higher probability that they would take a percentage. The really weird thing though is all of the religious people going to see all of these "bad" movies. I think it is just a way to escape. People want to get out of the ordinary routine and this is a perfect and inexpensive way to do so. I know that I personally like many movies that would never ever be allowed by the church if they had there own way. I think that they are just fantasies that help the mind experience a variety of things to make life less boring.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Al Gore recap

I think that Al Gore is right about something. Yes we suck at preserving the world and yes we do need to change. But if your going to say all of these things you need a reasonable way and convenient way for people to do so. I agree with him though. I think that the world is going to be an awful place in a few decades or even sooner. I think that we as a global community need to shape up our act and get it together. The main contributor is the emission of greenhouse gases and mainly that of CO2. This comes from almost all of the factories that we work in. There needs to be a better way. The worst thing about this is that the people who are creating the problem are not effected as much as the people who do very little. All of the developed countries contribute to well over majority of all the emission. Yet the developing countries are suffering the most. There will come a time where we will start to be affected and then I believe that we will regret it. It is a major concern of the world and I congratulate Al Gore on speaking this story and continuing it even with the ridicule.

Angels and Demons Drama

I think that this is all over reacting... yes there are somethings that go a little over board with Hollywood effects but that is because this is a movie... about a book, that has a made up plot line. There is absolutely no proof of this ever happening or that it is going to happen. Religion needs to calm down and sciences needs to know when to keep their mouth shut. It is a movie. Deal with it and move on. You don't see every person who has a bad dream being talked about or criticized. As for the scientific community, ya sure it probably makes you look like awesome people but it is fake. Maybe one day it will be possible but right now it is not. Don't brag about things you are doing or could be doing in the next some odd years. All in all i think this is like little children fighting over who goes down the slide first. No matter who does they are both going to go down, both have the same experience, and both end up in the same spot after wards.

Top five issues of the world

I'll make this short and sweet... if you want any details leave a comment.
1. Poverty or economics
2. Climate change
3. Industrialization
4. Technology
5. Consumption of natural resources

Monday, June 8, 2009

Education Remake

Since this is my project I will not go into to much detail here but the main thing that I would change about education is the way it is taught. We are all about conserving the earth. Don't cut down trees because it'll ruin ecosystems and destroy life. If this is such a big deal, why are we cutting down trees to make worthless textbooks that we rarely use or don't even use when we are suppose to. All the information we need is on the internet now a days. I think it is time for change and we should embrace it. Change is good and it is time we change from textbooks to electronics.

American Teen Article

I kinda of agree with that statement but not entirely. Sure, towns that have one-school are pressure cookers. That also doesn't mean that if you have two different schools or even more then two schools, you don't have pressure cookers. I do think though that it does help a little. Usually if there is two schools in a town, one will have a really good reputation and the other will be completely different. Not necessarily a bad rep but not the same. For example, one could be more of an academic school and the other a tech school, or one could be a science and technology school and the other could be more geared towards the sports. It all depends on the school and the people in the school. I think that if you have a wide variety of personalities, you are more likely to hear things. Though if there is more then one school, you'll still hear about it you'll just hear about it a little later or in less detail.