Sunday, April 19, 2009

Technology and School

I think that the use of technology at school is the best idea ever. It would be a great way to keep people in school and persuade them to not drop out. Technology is all around us. No matter what we say or do it's going to be there. I think that pretending it doesn't exist is the stupidest thing that someone can do. They might as well be saying I don't care what you do go ahead and cheat as long as it sounds nice I'll accept it. I also think that saying technology is bad and will lower kids grade averages and make them unsucessful in the real world is totally wrong as well. The real world is all technology now. evrything is run by computers which will evebtually be run by robots. This means that many of the jobs and skills that the anti-technology tyrants are trying to enforce will be worthless. I think that technology should be allowed in school. Many kids work better on computers then with pencil and paper. It would raise kids grades and still prepare them for the real world. It is a fact that teenagers are glued to any technological devices they can get their hands on. Even when you say no laptops, cell phones, or ban websites like facebook and sparknotes, kids find ways around them or are able to sneak them in and use them without being seen. I think that technology should be allowed in the school system because eventually the kids will win like them always do (ie. cell phone jamming incident out West). It's only a matter of time before all of this technology is allowed and then recommended to have.

826 Valencia

I think that this could actually have the possibility of working in a small town. The problem with it working in Ingersoll is that there is already the Fusion Youth Centre and they offer as much help as they can. I think that it would become almost like a competition between the two if this type of tutoring building was built. As for the superhero and pirate store I think that it would definately attract some people just because they would want to see what it sells and why it is even there. The reason that I think that the superfero and pirate ideas worked was because it would attract kids because it is things kids like. Other good ideas could be a candy store or a video game store. The pirate and superhero store add to the tutoring centre a lot. I think that without them the helping centre would not work as well as it did at Valencia. Overall though, I don't think it would work in Ingersoll because we already have a facility that attempts to help people and because people would feel ashamed to go. They would feel like if they went they are admitting that they are inferior to everyone else. It would get labelled as an extra help centre for people who struggle with school. It would be for "dumb people". Even though it helps to publish literature works the main focus is to help students with their school work and that's what it wou;d get labelled as.

Are Teens Lazy and Unprepared

Are teens lazy and unprepared? I would say yes majority are. Over the past few years I would say that many teens are becoming more and more lazy. I can see it even in my life as i start saying "oh i'll just do it later some other time" even when I know that later on its not going to happen. There is always something else I have to do. I agree that majotiry of teens are lazy and unprepared but i think that it is not entirely our fault. Teachers are not adapting to the world today. Theyare expecting the same thing as when they went through school. This does not work thought. There was no facebook, no text messaging, not MSN messenger. Technology has changed so much and I think that is a big problem here. Teens are always using the technology to find the information they need for projects, ISP's or even daily homework. The reason that the flow between high school and post-secondary is so hard is partly because of that. High schools limit the amount of technology you can use for school work were as universities do not. The main problem though is that there is no connection between high school and university other then it is the next step. A lot of professors tell their students at the beginning of the year to forget whatever they were taught. Well then what was the point of teaching it in the first place???? You might as well go straight to university after grade school. It seems like you would know just as much and there wouldn't be a big disadvantage. If universities think that their under-graduates are so unprepared then why not look into finding a way to make them more prepared. Make programs between highschool and university or just have better communication so that the high schools can teach us things that will be of some use after we graduate. I think that some teens are lazy, but that is not the big difference. The big difference and the nig problem is that there is limited communication of education between the professors at the universities and the teachers at the high schools.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Believng is seeing over seeing is believing

I think that you need to believe in something to see not the other way around. Over half of the world is of some religion with some God that has not been seen by man or anyone for that matter. This would mean that half the people in the world are just fantasising and throwing away their lives. This is a scary thought. The other thing is that with today's technology, we can create any picture we want. It could be of something massive and magnificent or just of something we commonly see everyday. Either way, we are not totally sure of its existence until we are standing in front of it or watching it. I think that if you believe in something very much, it works like a picture in our heads. Until we see the image of what ever it is we are "looking" at, we will never truly see the true awe striking power of it. Take the Taj Mahal for example.
It is a popular tourist destination but is not always ion the top of people's lists. You can look at as many pictures of it as you want, but you will never truly understand it. When you form a picture in your head, you are seeing it as you think it should be. It might not necessarily be exactly how it is in the real world but a lot of times it is one thousand times more magnificent. I think that when you see it is not believing anymore. It is knowledge or having a good memory. Believing is defined as:

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so

As soon as you see the object you have absolute proof. This means that the only way to believe in something is to have no proof of the object, or thing. This is why I think that Believing is seeing and seeing can not be believing.