Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Teen

I didn't get a chance to watch all of the movie but what I did watch of it I really liked. It seemed like there was a good diversity of different kinds of people in the different clicks. I think that every character deserved sympathy except the drama queen princess of the school, Megan. She is the weirdest and most self-absorbed person in the world. All she cared about is what was happening to her then and now. She didn't think much about the future, except that she had to get into Notre Dame or her father would be furious and possible kick her out of the house and maybe even never talk to her again. Hannah just had a string of bad luck. Every time she got to the top of the world, life was going great, BAM!!! Something happened or someone said or did something to take it all away. It was the hardest to watch her but I don't think she was the worse off. Another one is Colin. Colin had to learn that everyone makes a good team and not just him. His story probably ended the best because he ended up getting the scholarship and playing college ball for a really good team. The person who i felt bad for the most would have to be Geoff. He tried really hard to fit in and everything and people just either ignored him, used him, or flat out just rejected him. If I felt sympathy for anyone the most it would have to be him.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally thoughts on Angels and Demons

I thought that Angels and Demons had on the best twists with the weirdest ending that I have ever read. It wasn't really a shock to see that Kohler was Janus. I assumed that he had something to do with this whole plot and everything and since that that position was the only spot left and he fit the part of Janus as well, it seemed like a good fit. The really surprising part was when we were told that Kohler was an innocent man and had come to reason with the true planner of the Illuminati attack on the church, Janus him-self, the Camerlengo. It changed the entire story and the explanation behind it was even more facinating. Since the Pope can not have an official autopsy, we find that the camerlengo was able to poison the Pope and not get caught for it. Since the camerlengo was the right-hand man of the Pope, he knows what all is going on just the same as the Pope. This means he knew that CERN was experimenting with the moment of creation and that they had created anti-matter that had a huge explosive range. He then used his sources to hire the Hassassin to break in and steal the anti-matter. The camerlengo then placed the anti-matter and the plan unfolded.

The real twist is why the camerlengo did all of this in the first place. The camerlengo had thought that the Pope had violated his promise to God in that he had a child. This was true, but the problem was the camerlengo did not know the whole story. The Pope had met with this nun. The nun then had an artificial insemenation to impregnate her with the Pope's child. This being said, the Pope had kept his vow and the camerlengo had killed him for nothing. If I was the camerlengo, I would feel like total crap right now. If I had assumed something about a man, murdered him, and found out that I had killed him for something he didn't do, I would go insane!! I would definately be worried of being charged for life especially since it would be murdering the Pope!! Every roman catholic and even some that weren't roman catholic would probably think I should be beheaded on the spot. The biggest stab in the heart of the camerlengo, in at which time I believe that he became insane, was when the Master of Ceremonies told him that he was the papal investigator for the election of the deseased Pope's conclave. He had told the camerlengo that the reason that the Pope had always trusted him and made him the camerlengo in the first place, was because that the camerlengo was the Pope's son. That would have done it for me right there. I wouldn't be able to live if I knew that I had purposely killed my father.

I thought that it was an overall well done book. I knew that it was very dry for the first few chapters but other then that and a few weird sections, I liked it very much. I learned that the Pope can be elected if every single cardinal chants his name three times in sucession. Even if he wasn't a cardinal or wasn't in the prefered group of cardinals, he could still be elected in. This is definately a must see and I give it 3 thumbs up!!!